Join Our Scholar Investment Team

Your sustaining membership means that low-income single-parent families can complete their education with your support for:

  • Required textbooks and school fees
  • Emergency assistance for unexpected expenses
  • Childcare assistance
  • Emergency rental assistance
  • Scholarships
  • and more!
single mom with child
Photo by Mayra Novasky

Invest Monthly

An ongoing investment in the future of single-parent college students brings stability to struggling families. It’s easy to sign-up (and cancel when necessary).

Invest Now

A one-time gift to help single-parent families.

Project Self-Sufficiency

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Tax ID #33-0597719

307 Placentia Ave, Suite 203 Newport Beach, CA 92663

Located inside the Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living
