Our Mission
To help low-income single parents graduate from college or vocational training with the skills necessary to achieve economic independence.
We do this by providing customized, wraparound services throughout their educational journey and transition into a career.
Our Vision
We envision a community of empowered, educated parents who have broken the generational cycle of poverty and lift up others.
Graduates of the program lead strong, healthy families and raise strong, healthy children. These parents become leaders and contributors in the community; they take pride in their accomplishments, and that pride is reflected in the eyes of their children. PSS scholars are confident in their role as parents and as capable providers.

How We Got Started
Project Self-Sufficiency began in 1985 in Huntington Beach when the city participated in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s national Project Self-Sufficiency Program. In March of 2018, we were given a tremendous opportunity to expand our services throughout Orange County. We are located on the second floor of the Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living in Newport Beach, California.
Project Self-Sufficiency
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Tax ID #33-0597719
307 Placentia Ave, Suite 203 Newport Beach, CA 92663
Located inside the Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living